can i travel to dubai with ecr passport

Can I Travel to Dubai with ECR Passport


Indian Emigration check mandates it on the citizens of India to get an emigrant clearance from the agency of Protector of Emigrants before migrating to other countries. As per the Emigration Act of India coming in force from 1983, ensures that ECR categories of Indian Passport Holders are required to obtain an emigration clearance from the office of POE. So your question stands, whether can I travel to Dubai with ECR passport? Well, UAE is not highly concerned with the status of ECR passport. It is more of a matter for Indian Emigration Check.

if you are visiting the UAE with the purpose of tourism or anything other than employment then you do not require emigration clearance from the POE. Those passport holders who are not endorsed or stamped with ECR fall under the category of non ECR passport holders or Emigration Check Not Required (ECNR).

This would mean that to only visit Dubai and obtain a Dubai visa without the objective of seeking employment, you would not require ECR at all. Due to the rising inconvenience, the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs working under the Emigration Policy Division have allowed ECR passport holders to exit the country by producing valid documents.

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Visit Dubai with ECR passport

In effect from 1st October 2007, the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs has abolished the ECR suspension system for ECR passport holders visiting Dubai visa. Therefore, any person holding an ECR or non ECR passport travelling on Dubai visa to ECR countries is not required to take emigration clearance from the offices of POE.

The Ministry of External Affairs working in the offices of Protector of Emigrants grant emigration clearance to ECR passport holders visiting other ECR countries on employment visa only.

Dubai Visa for ECR Passport Holders

Dubai is still one of the really joyful places with respect to culture, luxury, and adventure. However, for Indian passport holders traveling on an ECR passport, a question generally pops up: Can one travel on a Dubai ECR passport? It's one of the all-inclusive guides that answer all of your queries in relation to traveling to Dubai Visa for ECR passport holders. Read information regarding visa requirements, application process, necessary documents, and, more importantly, the differences between an ECR passport and a non-ECR passport.

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Documents Need for ECR Passport Holders Travelling to Dubai

The ECR passport holders traveling to Dubai or ECR countries on visit visa other than employment visa are allowed to travel to these countries after producing the following documents at the immigration counters of the international airports in India:

  • Valid Passport
  • Valid visit/residence/study visa etc.
  • Return Ticket

Documents Required for Non ECR Passport

  • Valid Passport: Carries a valid passport at least six months from the date of entry in Dubai.
  • Dubai Visa: Before traveling, ensure that you procure a tourist visa. You could request one over the internet or from a local agency.
  • Proof of Accommodation: Hotel confirmation is issued at the time you visit the city of Dubai.
  • Return ticket flight: Evidence of round trip.
  • Financial proof: In some instances, you will be required to prove that you have enough finances to sustain your stay in Dubai at the immigration.

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List of 17 ECR Countries

The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs regulates that emigration clearance is required for only 17 countries that are known as ECR countries namely:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Bahrain
  3. Indonesia
  4. Iraq
  5. Jordan
  6. Kuwait
  7. Libya
  8. Lebanon
  9. Malaysia
  10.  Oman
  11. Qatar
  12. Sudan
  13. Syria
  14. Saudi Arabia
  15. Thailand
  16. United Arab Emirates
  17. Yemen

Dubai Visa Fees for ECR Passport Holders

Dubai Visa fees have undergone adjustments in 2025. Here’s a breakdown of the updated Dubai visa fees for ECR Passport Holders:

  • Dubai Tourist Visa: $133 USD for 14 days with single entry, $148 USD for 30 days with single entry, $344 USD for 30 days with multiple entry, $402 USD for 60 days with single entry, and $715 USD for 60 days with multiple entry.
  • Dubai Transit Visa: USD 112 for 48 hours with a single entry and USD 127 for 96 hours with a single entry.
  • Dubai Business Visa: USD 130 for 14 day business visa short stay.

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ECR Passport vs Non-ECR Passport

Feature ECR Passport Non-ECR Passport
Eligibility Criteria Below 10th grade or no income tax paid Above 10th grade or employed in skilled jobs
Emigration Clearance Required YES NO
Flexibility in Travel Limited; requires clearance for certain countries Greater flexibility; no emigration checks required

Employment Requirements Before You Visit Dubai with ECR Passport

Passport Validity: You will have to ensure that you have a passport that has a validity of at least 06 months. This valid visa must either be stamped on the passport or must be provided along with the passport. You will have to ensure that your visa for which you have been recruited is of the category that you had applied your visa under. Make sure to keep a photocopy of your visa and passport that is clear.

Keep a copy of the Employment Contract that was signed by you and have your foreign employer duly attested by the registered recruiting agent.

Keep a backup copy of Employment Contract in English language duly authenticated and attested by the registered recruiting agent.

If you are planning to send your remittance from abroad to India, you must open a saving NRE bank account in India.

Keep yourself updated with employment laws, local labor laws, living and working conditions of the country. Equip yourself with the complete address, phone, and email of the Indian Embassy of any of the ECR countries that you are visiting.

Aslo Read:

  1. Dubai Visa for Nepalese citizens
  2. Dubai Visa for Ethiopian citizens
  3. Dubai Visa for Jamaicans
  4. Dubai Visa for Fiji Passport Holders
  5. Dubai Visa from Ghana

Apply Dubai Visa

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can travel to Dubai with an ECR passport. However, depending on the purpose of the travel, emigration clearance may be required, especially for employment or certain visa types.

Non-ECR is a term used in an Indian passport. This is the term referring to individuals who do not need emigration clearance before traveling abroad for work. These have generally been for at least 10th grade or with more educational qualifications. For travel from the majority of countries, permission from the Protector of Emigrants (PoE) is not required for passport holders under this category, and it is not even needed for gulf countries.

The essence of the difference between the two types: ECR (Emigration Check Required) and Non-ECR (Emigration Check Not Required), is the educational qualification and the necessity of emigration clearance:
ECR: It includes a person with low educational qualifications, say that below 10th standard, requires emigration clearance by the Protector of Emigrants before traveling abroad for employment, especially in the Gulf countries.

Non-ECR: A person who has obtained education beyond 10th class or even completed any higher education qualification does not require emigration clearance and can travel abroad freely for employment or any other purpose without further formality.

In short, Immigration clearance is required for ECR; no clearance is necessary for non-ECR.

The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs regulates that emigration clearance is required for only 17 countries that are known as ECR countries namely:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Bahrain
  3. Indonesia
  4. Iraq
  5. Jordan
  6. Kuwait
  7. Libya
  8. Lebanon
  9. Malaysia
  10.  Oman
  11. Qatar
  12. Sudan
  13. Syria
  14. Saudi Arabia
  15. Thailand
  16. United Arab Emirates
  17. Yemen

Yes, you can choose to visit Dubai with ECR passport, provided that you produce the valid documents before visiting the ECR countries on Dubai visa without applying for an employment visa type.

ECR or ECNR? One can check whether one has an ECR or ECNR passport by consulting the last page of one's passport. Otherwise, one can consult Passport Seva Kendra or find the Protector of Emigrants (PoE) in the region to confirm the status of the passport.

There are 17 countries under ECR countries.

Check the last page of your passport. If it says "Emigration Check Required," then it is ECR. If it says "Emigration Check Not Required," then it is Non-ECR. You can even check that at PSK.

You come under Non-ECR if you are passing out with a minimum of 10th grade and based on specific age criteria. You are exempt from emigration clearance for abroad employment.

ECR stands for those who require emigration clearance before traveling abroad for employment purposes. Non-ECR stands for those who are exempted from the emigration check because they satisfy the educational criteria or possess higher qualifications for international travel.

The ECR passport holders traveling to Dubai or ECR countries on visit visa other than employment visa are allowed to travel to these countries after producing the following documents at the immigration counters of the international airports in India:

  • Valid Passport

  • Valid visit/residence/study visa etc.

  • Return Ticket

 These documents must be produced to visit Dubai with ECR passport.


Yes, ECR passport can travel to Dubai.

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